
CSS TUTORIALS - CSS - Text Effects

CSS - Text Effects


opacityLevel of the opacity. 0 is fully transparent, 100 is fully opaque.
finishopacityLevel of the opacity at the other end of the object.
styleThe shape of the opacity gradient.

0 = uniform
1 = linear
2 = radial
3 = rectangular
startXX coordinate for opacity gradient to begin.
startYY coordinate for opacity gradient to begin.
finishXX coordinate for opacity gradient to end.
finishYY coordinate for opacity gradient to end.



<p>Image Example:</p>
<img src="/images/css.gif" alt="CSS Logo" style="Filter: Alpha(Opacity=100, FinishOpacity=0, Style=2, StartX=20, StartY=40, FinishX=0, FinishY=0)">

<p>Text Example:</p>
<div style="width: 357; height: 50; font-size: 30pt; font-family: Arial Black; color: blue; Filter: Alpha(Opacity=100, FinishOpacity=0, Style=1, StartX=0, StartY=0, FinishX=580, FinishY=0)">CSS Tutorials</div>


Image Example:

Text Example:

CSS Tutorials

addTrue or false. If true the image is added to the blurred image and if false the image is not added to the blurred image.
directionThe direction of the blur, going clockwise, rounded to 45-degree increments. The default value is 270 (left).

0 = Top
45 = Top right
90 = Right
135 = Bottom right
180 = Bottom
225 = Bottom left
270 = Left
315 = Top left
strengthThe number of pixels the blur will extend. The default is 5 pixels.


<p>Image Example:</p>
<img src="/images/css.gif" alt="CSS Logo" style="Filter: Blur(Add = 0, Direction = 225, Strength = 10)">

<p>Text Example:</p>
<div style="width: 357; height: 50; font-size: 30pt; font-family: Arial Black; color: blue; Filter: Blur(Add = 1, Direction = 225, Strength = 10)">CSS Tutorials</div>

Image Example:

Text Example:

CSS Tutorials

color The color that you'd like to be transparent.


<p>Image Example:</p>
<img src="/images/css.gif" alt="CSS Logo" style="Filter: Chroma(Color = #FFFFFF)">

<p>Text Example:</p>
<div style="width: 580; height: 50; font-size: 30pt; font-family: Arial Black; color: #3300FF; Filter: Chroma(Color = #3300FF)">CSS Tutorials</div>

Image Example:

Text Example:

CSS Tutorials

color The color, in #RRGGBB format, of the dropshadow.
offX Number of pixels the drop shadow is offset from the visual object, along the x-axis. Positive integers move the drop shadow to the right, negative integers move the drop shadow to the left.
offY Number of pixels the drop shadow is offset from the visual object, along the y-axis. Positive integers move the drop shadow down, negative integers move the drop shadow up.
positiveIf true, all opaque pixels of the object have a dropshadow. If false, all transparent pixels have a dropshadow. The default is true.


<p>Image Example:</p>
<img src="/images/css.gif" alt="CSS Logo" style="Filter: Chroma(Color = #000000) DropShadow(Color=#FF0000, OffX=2, OffY=2, Positive=1)">

<p>Text Example:</p>
<div style="width: 357; height: 50; font-size: 30pt; font-family: Arial Black; color: red; Filter: DropShadow(Color=#000000, OffX=2, OffY=2, Positive=1)">CSS Tutorials</div>

Image Example:

Text Example:

CSS Tutorials

FlipH Creates a horizontal mirror image
FlipV Creates a vertical mirror image


<p>Image Example:</p>
<img src="/images/css.gif" alt="CSS Logo" style="Filter: FlipH">

<img src="/images/css.gif" alt="CSS Logo" style="Filter: FlipV">

<p>Text Example:</p>
<div style="width: 300; height: 50; font-size: 30pt; font-family: Arial Black; color: red; Filter: FlipV">CSS Tutorials</div>

Image Example:

Text Example:

CSS Tutorials

color The color you want the glow to be.
strengthThe intensity of the glow (from 1 to 255).


<p>Image Example:</p>
<img src="/images/css.gif" alt="CSS Logo" style="Filter: Chroma(Color = #000000) Glow(Color=#00FF00, Strength=20)">

<p>Text Example:</p>
<div style="width: 357; height: 50; font-size: 30pt; font-family: Arial Black; color: red; Filter: Glow(Color=#00FF00, Strength=20)">CSS Tutorials</div>

Image Example:

Text Example:

CSS Tutorials

gray Converts the colors of the object to 256 shades of gray.


<p>Image Example:</p>
<img src="/images/css.gif" alt="CSS Logo" style="Filter: Gray">

<p>Text Example:</p>
<div style="width: 357; height: 50; font-size: 30pt; font-family: Arial Black; color: red; Filter: Gray">CSS Tutorials</div>

Image Example:

Text Example:

CSS Tutorials

InvertMaps the colors of the object to their opposite value in the color spectrum.


<p>Image Example:</p>
<img src="/images/css.gif" alt="CSS Logo" style="Filter: invert">

<p>Text Example:</p>
<div style="width: 357; height: 50; font-size: 30pt; font-family: Arial Black; color: red; Filter: invert">CSS Tutorials</div>

Image Example:

Text Example:

CSS Tutorials

color The color that the transparent areas will become.


<p>Image Example:</p>
<img src="/images/css.gif" alt="CSS Logo" style="FILTER: Chroma(Color = #000000) Mask(Color=#00FF00)">

<p>Text Example:</p>
<div style="width: 357; height: 50; font-size: 30pt; font-family: Arial Black; color: red; Filter: Mask(Color=#00FF00)">CSS Tutorials</div>

Image Example:

Text Example:

CSS Tutorials

color The color that you want the shadow to be.
directionThe direction of the blur, going clockwise, rounded to 45-degree increments. The default value is 270 (left).

0 = Top
45 = Top right
90 = Right
135 = Bottom right
180 = Bottom
225 = Bottom left
270 = Left
315 = Top left


<p>Image Example:</p>
<img src="/images/css.gif" alt="CSS Logo" style="FILTER: Chroma(Color = #000000) Shadow(Color=#00FF00, Direction=225)">

<p>Text Example:</p>
<div style="width: 357; height: 50; font-size: 30pt; font-family: Arial Black; color: red; Filter: Shadow(Color=#0000FF, Direction=225)">CSS Tutorials</div>

Image Example:

Text Example:

CSS Tutorials

addA value of 1 adds the original image to the waved image, 0 does not.
freq The number of waves.
lightThe strength of the light on the wave (from 0 to 100).
phase At what degree the sine wave should start (from 0 to 100).
strength The intensity of the wave effect.


<p>Image Example:</p>
<img src="/images/css.gif" alt="CSS Logo" style="FILTER: Chroma(Color = #000000) Wave(Add=0, Freq=1, LightStrength=10, Phase=220, Strength=10)">

<p>Text Example:</p>
<div style="width: 357; height: 50; font-size: 30pt; font-family: Arial Black; color: red; Filter: Wave(Add=0, Freq=1, LightStrength=10, Phase=20, Strength=20)">CSS Tutorials</div>

Image Example:

Text Example:

CSS Tutorials

xrayGrayscales and flattens the color depth.


<p>Image Example:</p>
<img src="/images/css.gif" alt="CSS Logo" style="Filter: Xray"">

<p>Text Example:</p>
<div style="width: 357; height: 50; font-size: 30pt; font-family: Arial Black; color: red; style="Filter: Xray">CSS Tutorials</div>

Image Example:

Text Example:

CSS Tutorials